il laboratorio collabora ad un progetto di ricerca denominato PA genome

PA GENOME // Public Administration Genome Project is a research project by:

John W. Dickey
Professor Emeritus Virginia Tech School of Public and International Affairs
Blacksburg, USA



The Public Administration (P. A.) Genome Project is intended to be an analogy to the Human Genome Project (HGP), in which about 30,000 human genes have been “mapped” over a period of years. The HGP provided the world with a much needed understanding of our genetic makeup and the ways in which it controls many of our immediate actions and, in the longer term, our evolution as human beings.


The P. A. Genome Project is intended to be a long term endeavor with three major objectives:
To develop a grand analogy with the Human Genome Project such that our perception of public administration can be expanded.
To “map” the P. A. Genome, just like the Human Genome has been mapped, to understand more fully the breadth and variety of public administration topics and behaviors.
To improve public administration performance.
The intent thereafter is to make the resulting knowledge widely available.

(author: professor John W. Dickey, june 2005)